3 Secrets To Getting The Most Out Of Your Auto Accident Claim
So you've filed your car insurance clam, found an auto accident attorney, and are good to go, right? Wrong.
There are three secrets to getting the most out of your auto accident claim that could make the difference between a disappointing settlement and getting exactly what you want from your claim.
1. Keep the insurance adjuster updated.
When you file a claim, the insurance company sets up a reserve account for the purpose of covering the costs they think they will have to pay for your claim. They base this amount on the facts they are given regarding the accident. If your injuries have gotten worse since the accident, the adjuster needs to know so they can increase the reserve amount accordingly. If they have no idea your injuries have gotten worse, they will be taken by surprise when you ask for significantly higher damages at the last minute. They will then need to go through the process of getting last-minute approval to increase the reserve account amount, which may delay and impede your settlement. You are more likely to be able to settle your claim more easily and quickly if the adjuster has an accurate and up-to-date picture of your case.
2. Don't give your medical records to the opposing insurance company.
A common mistake many people make is releasing their medical records to the opposing party's insurance company. The fact of the matter is, you are not required to do this. You should only release your medical records to your insurance company since they are on your side. The opposing party's insurance company will use any information you give them to try to use against you. Do not give them more information than absolutely necessary.
3. Keep a daily journal about your case.
While the most desired outcome is almost always a quick and easy settlement, that's not always possible. Sometimes the insurance company will offer you a settlement amount that is significantly lower than what you expected. When this happens, you may need to take your case to trial. You will then have to explain your case in detail to the judge and jury. This includes information about where you were in pain, how long you were in pain, what kind of pain you experienced (e.g. shooting pain, throbbing, spasms), and how frequently you experienced this. You may also need to detail what treatments you've undergone and the frequency of said treatments. If your answers are wrong or vague, you will hurt your credibility in the eyes of the judge and jury. Keep a detailed journal that you can always refer back to when needed.
Remember these three secrets to get the best possible outcome to your case. For more advice, work with an attorney such as Stephen G. McGowan LLC.