Don't Let These Myths About Criminal Defense Attorneys Hurt Your Case
If you have been accused of any crime, it is important that you hire a criminal defense attorney to defend you in court. However, many people believe some myths about criminal defense lawyers which may ultimately hurt their case. Here's a look at those myths—so you don't suffer the same fate.
Myth #1: It's not worth paying for an attorney when the public defender is free.
It's true that if you cannot afford a lawyer, one has to be appointed for you. If you are truly unable to come up with the cash for a lawyer, then a public defender is better than nothing. But if there is any way you can borrow from a family member or get an advance to cover the costs of a hired attorney, you'll be better off for it. While there are many competent public defenders, they don't always have as much time to devote to your case as a hired attorney will. You stand a better job of getting the charges dismissed or reduced with a hired attorney.
Myth #2: Criminal defense attorneys are dishonest people.
There are some dishonest people in every profession. But some people assume all criminal defense attorneys are dishonest because they defend criminals. It might seem underhanded for anyone to defend someone who has committed murder or a serious crime, but consider that many of the people criminal defense lawyers defend are actually innocent! Look for an attorney who is straightforward with you and who seems to genuinely want to help; there are a lot of them.
Myth #3: You need to look for a specialist.
There are lawyers who advertise specifically as DUI attorneys or drug defense lawyers. These specialized lawyers often charge higher rates because of their specific expertise. If you are facing very serious charges, you may want to hire a specialist. However, it's a complete myth that you have to. A general criminal defense attorney should have no trouble defending you in court, and often at a more affordable cost than someone who hyper-specializes.
Myth #4: You'll only see your criminal defense lawyer in court.
This might be true if you work with a public defender, but not when you hire your own attorney. They should meet with you at least once or twice before your court date in order to discuss the details of your charges and the best approach to have those charges dismissed or reduced.